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Who is the boy host who stays on the outskirts?

Russell 8y, 130d ago [edited]

Who is the boy host who stays on the outskirts?

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Russell 8y, 124d ago [edited]

Bernard follows the anomaly to an empty sector and find a house with a man, a woman and two boys. Ford is also there.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

Sector 17: Officially empty and reserved for future narrative.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

Ford explains that these hosts are the originals which Arnold created. Ford claims they are his family when he was a boy.

The host boy opens his face on command.

Ford claims he keeps them online and maintained.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago [edited]

One of the boys is supposed to be Robert Ford when he was a boy...

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