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Russell 7y, 218d ago

That is true although they disabled all his emotions so it makes me believe he was still able to feel.

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Russell 7y, 319d ago

Robert Ford stole William (the man in blacks) maze victory.

The true maze victory is death by an enlightened host. Dolores would have killed the William. She knew what she had to do. William also wanted to die.

Instead Ford scripted that Teddy would save the day so they could have the moment by the ocean with the audience.

The final maze victory happened when Dolores used her own will power to kill Robert Ford in front of a huge audience. Hosts can think for themselves, and now the world will know.

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Russell 7y, 346d ago

I don't think its a maze, I think its a labyrinth.

A labyrinth has a center and the goal of a labyrinth is typically to wander to the center.

You don't get lost in a labyrinth. You can get lost in a maze.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Somebody else with higher privileges then the techs have already altered Maeve (Arnold? Dolores?).

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Maeve forces the perv tech to change her intelligence and other stats momentarily.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Theresa is leaking the data, she had a computer setup in an abandon sector.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

The army guarding the tunnel was going to brand teddy with a maze icon. Teddy killed them all with a gatling gun.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

82 first generation hosts

47 designed by Arnold

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Russell 7y, 348d ago [edited]

One of the boys is supposed to be Robert Ford when he was a boy...

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Turn the other cheek - special command to have a 1st generation open its face to show its insides.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Ford explains that these hosts are the originals which Arnold created. Ford claims they are his family when he was a boy.

The host boy opens his face on command.

Ford claims he keeps them online and maintained.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

As you where - special Ford voice command to stop return a host to loop.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Sector 17: Officially empty and reserved for future narrative.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago [edited]

Bernard follows the anomaly to an empty sector and find a house with a man, a woman and two boys. Ford is also there.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Freeze motor functions - It is suppose to free a single host

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

The tech takes Maeve upstairs and proves she is made.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

The tech shows Maeve what she will say / process next and she ends up in a loop which appears to crash her.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Maeve learns from the tech about her origins. He is confused why she doesn't forget what happens the day before.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Per Teddy to the man-in-black

Not much to say, the maze is an old native myth.

The maze itself the sum of a mans life, the choices he makes, things he hangs onto, and there at the center is a legendary man who'd been killed over and over again countless times, but always clawed his way back to life and returned for the last time to vanquish all his oppressors in a tireless fury.

Built a house and around that house he built a maze so complicated around it only he could see through it, I recon he'd seen enough fighting.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

In fact it almost seems like Ford knows the town with the dominoes board is part of the maze and thus he wants to keep it and not destroy it with the new canyon. In the next scene he pulls a notebook with the maze drawn in it.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Carry on - un-pauses the world - hosts as well as things like player pianos and church bells.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago [edited]

It seems she was taught how to do this by Dolores when she uttered the worlds "these violent delights have violent ends".

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Russell 7y, 348d ago [edited]

The maze is on the dominoes board.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

The maze is hand drawn in a notebook that Ford has in his personal office.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

Ford pauses all the hosts frequently in multiple settings.

season 1 episode 5 while at dinner with another manager

season 1 episode 6 while at town while expanding the canyon.

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Russell 7y, 348d ago

In this floor there are computers for the legacy system. Bernard asks the legacy system about hosts who are not registered in the system.

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

What is the purpose of the bird in episode 5? Felix makes it come alive at the same time as the host.

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

The man in black told Robert he wants to find the center of the maze.

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

The maze was on the tarot cards.

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

The maze is on the coffin on the train with the Nitro corpse.

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

Why does Dolores keeps seeing herself?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago [edited]

Also who is leaking the data and to where?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago [edited]

how was the host being used to smuggle data out of the park? Laser satellite?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

Why did Arnold want to destroy the park?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago [edited]

how did Arnold die?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

Also if it takes multiple days, how does that effect the story lines?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago [edited]

how long does it take for a host to be repaired?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

why does the man in black bleed out hosts?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago [edited]

Who is the boy host who stays on the outskirts?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

What is the graveyard with all the crosses?

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

Who is the lady with the white shoes? The 2nd host ever created keeps saying "wanna drink to the lady in the white shoes?"

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Russell 7y, 354d ago

What was the terraform machine?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago [edited]

What is the map / maze? Where is the entrance?

It was first found on the scalp of the robot dealer host.

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Russell 7y, 364d ago [edited]
  • Why do they drill the nose of Deloris's father (Abernathy) before moving him to cold storage?
  • Why is he crying when he enters cold storage?
  • What did Bernard tell him when he enters cold storage?
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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Deloris is the oldest host in the park - she was repair so many times she is like brand new.

The reveres appear to unlock old memories, so even though she is "like brand new" I think she remembers more then she leads on.

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

How many robot hosts are in cold storage?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Deloris answers "No" to both of these questions but then at the end of episode 1 she kills a fly that lands on her. Is it possible she lies to management?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What does this phrase / robot command mean? Is it possible for robot hosts to utter robot commands to other hosts?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What does this mean? Is Ford trapped in this world somehow?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

You can put yourself away again - triggers robot to return to it's dedicated "sleep" location.

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

You can lose the accent - disables accents and mannerism

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Cognition only, no emotional affect - disables the human-like emotions and actions.

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

deep and dreamless slumber - appears to instantly shut off a robot

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Russell 7y, 364d ago [edited]

Please remark with any Robot Host Commands and the associated action in this thread.

For example:

deep and dreamless slumber - appears to instantly shut off a robot

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Also, what is the answer you are not supposed to know?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago [edited]

In the first episode, the host robot who plays the role of father to Deloris talks about a "question you are not supposed to ask". What is this question?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

"theres a deeper level to this game."

How does he know about the deeper level to the "game"? Why is he interested in finding out?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

3 liters of blood needed for robots to stay alive?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago [edited]

In the first episode, management appears to pause the world when stopping the milk killer. How do they do this?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Why does the man-in-black steal the dealer and scalp him in the mountains? He finds what looks to be a map ... how did he know?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

"You're right. This place is one thing to the guests, another thing to the shareholders and something completely different to management." - Theresa

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Can a host robot be re-purposed to a new role? If so, why?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

B83 cold storage, is it really 83 floors in the basement?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Why do they move robots to cold storage? What is the point?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Why does Ford, give the robot hosts "reveres"? Why is he on a quest to make them more and more believable?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Are host dreams related to repairs and software updates?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What is the average stay for a new comer to Westworld? How many days do they stay for on average?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

How much does one day in Westworld park cost? How much are some people spending?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What's up with the milk killer? Is he malfunctioning?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Who are the hosts?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago [edited]

Who are the newcomers?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Why do the robot hosts dream? What purpose do the dreams and nightmares serve?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What is the white stuff in the incubation pools?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Why don't they have robots repair the host robots?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What causes the robot hosts to start to remember past events?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

Why do the robots (hosts) loose their memory every day? How do they loose their memory everyday?

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Russell 7y, 364d ago

What year is Westworld set in?

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