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Robot Host Commands

Russell 8y, 140d ago [edited]

Please remark with any Robot Host Commands and the associated action in this thread.

For example:

deep and dreamless slumber - appears to instantly shut off a robot

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Russell 8y, 140d ago

deep and dreamless slumber - appears to instantly shut off a robot

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Russell 8y, 140d ago

Cognition only, no emotional affect - disables the human-like emotions and actions.

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Russell 8y, 140d ago

You can lose the accent - disables accents and mannerism

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Russell 8y, 140d ago

You can put yourself away again - triggers robot to return to it's dedicated "sleep" location.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

Carry on - un-pauses the world - hosts as well as things like player pianos and church bells.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

Freeze motor functions - It is suppose to free a single host

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

As you where - special Ford voice command to stop return a host to loop.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

Turn the other cheek - special command to have a 1st generation open its face to show its insides.

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