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What is the map / maze? Where is the entrance?

Russell 8y, 140d ago [edited]

What is the map / maze? Where is the entrance?

It was first found on the scalp of the robot dealer host.

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foxhop 8y, 140d ago

"The maze is not meant for you".

It seems the maze is designed for the hosts / enlighten robots, not the man-in-black (gamer)

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5xrEEhbe 8y, 140d ago

Bernard tells Dolores about the maze in the intro to episode 4. He tells her if she can find the end, she can be free. She says, I think I want to be free.

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Russell 8y, 130d ago

The maze is on the coffin on the train with the Nitro corpse.

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Russell 8y, 130d ago

The maze was on the tarot cards.

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Russell 8y, 130d ago

The man in black told Robert he wants to find the center of the maze.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

The maze is hand drawn in a notebook that Ford has in his personal office.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago [edited]

The maze is on the dominoes board.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

In fact it almost seems like Ford knows the town with the dominoes board is part of the maze and thus he wants to keep it and not destroy it with the new canyon. In the next scene he pulls a notebook with the maze drawn in it.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

Per Teddy to the man-in-black

Not much to say, the maze is an old native myth.

The maze itself the sum of a mans life, the choices he makes, things he hangs onto, and there at the center is a legendary man who'd been killed over and over again countless times, but always clawed his way back to life and returned for the last time to vanquish all his oppressors in a tireless fury.

Built a house and around that house he built a maze so complicated around it only he could see through it, I recon he'd seen enough fighting.

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Russell 8y, 124d ago

The army guarding the tunnel was going to brand teddy with a maze icon. Teddy killed them all with a gatling gun.

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Russell 8y, 123d ago

I don't think its a maze, I think its a labyrinth.

A labyrinth has a center and the goal of a labyrinth is typically to wander to the center.

You don't get lost in a labyrinth. You can get lost in a maze.

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